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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gsfont.c */
- /* Font operators for Ghostscript library */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gzstate.h" /* must precede gxdevice */
- #include "gxdevice.h" /* must precede gxfont */
- #include "gschar.h"
- #include "gxfont.h"
- #include "gxfdir.h"
- /* Imported procedures */
- void gs_purge_font_from_char_caches(P2(gs_font_dir *, const gs_font *));
- /* Size of cache structures */
- extern const uint cached_char_sizeof;
- extern const uint cached_fm_pair_sizeof;
- /* Define the sizes of the various aspects of the font/character cache. */
- /*** Big memory machines ***/
- #define smax_LARGE 50 /* smax - # of scaled fonts */
- #define bmax_LARGE 500000 /* bmax - space for cached chars */
- #define mmax_LARGE 200 /* mmax - # of cached font/matrix pairs */
- #define cmax_LARGE 5000 /* cmax - # of cached chars */
- #define blimit_LARGE 2500 /* blimit/upper - max size of a single cached char */
- /*** Small memory machines ***/
- #define smax_SMALL 20 /* smax - # of scaled fonts */
- #define bmax_SMALL 25000 /* bmax - space for cached chars */
- #define mmax_SMALL 40 /* mmax - # of cached font/matrix pairs */
- #define cmax_SMALL 500 /* cmax - # of cached chars */
- #define blimit_SMALL 100 /* blimit/upper - max size of a single cached char */
- /* Allocate a font directory */
- gs_font_dir *
- gs_font_dir_alloc(const gs_memory_procs *mprocs)
- { /* Try allocating a very large cache. */
- /* If this fails, allocate a small one. */
- #if !arch_ints_are_short
- gs_font_dir *pdir;
- pdir = gs_font_dir_alloc_limits(mprocs,
- smax_LARGE, bmax_LARGE, mmax_LARGE,
- cmax_LARGE, blimit_LARGE);
- if ( pdir != 0 ) return pdir;
- #endif
- return gs_font_dir_alloc_limits(mprocs,
- smax_SMALL, bmax_SMALL, mmax_SMALL,
- cmax_SMALL, blimit_SMALL);
- }
- gs_font_dir *
- gs_font_dir_alloc_limits(const gs_memory_procs *mprocs,
- uint smax, uint bmax, uint mmax, uint cmax, uint upper)
- { register gs_font_dir *pdir = (gs_font_dir *)(*mprocs->alloc)(1, sizeof(gs_font_dir), "font_dir_alloc(dir)");
- uint chsize = (cmax / 5) | 31; /* a guess */
- cached_fm_pair *mdata;
- cached_char **chars;
- if ( pdir == 0 ) return 0;
- /* Round up chsize to a power of 2. */
- while ( chsize & (chsize + 1) ) chsize |= chsize >> 1;
- chsize++;
- mdata = (cached_fm_pair *)(*mprocs->alloc)(mmax, cached_fm_pair_sizeof, "font_dir_alloc(mdata)");
- chars = (cached_char **)(*mprocs->alloc)(chsize, sizeof(cached_char *), "font_dir_alloc(chars)");
- if ( mdata == 0 || chars == 0 )
- { if ( chars != 0 ) (*mprocs->free)((char *)chars, chsize, sizeof(cached_char *), "font_dir_alloc(chars)");
- if ( mdata != 0 ) (*mprocs->free)((char *)mdata, mmax, cached_fm_pair_sizeof, "font_dir_alloc(mdata)");
- (*mprocs->free)((char *)pdir, 1, sizeof(gs_font_dir), "font_dir_alloc(dir)");
- return 0;
- }
- memset((char *)pdir, 0, sizeof(gs_font_dir)); /* easiest to clear everything first */
- pdir->mprocs = mprocs;
- pdir->smax = smax;
- pdir->fmcache.mmax = mmax;
- pdir->fmcache.mdata = mdata;
- pdir->ccache.mprocs = mprocs;
- pdir->ccache.bmax = bmax;
- pdir->ccache.cmax = cmax;
- pdir->ccache.lower = upper / 10;
- pdir->ccache.upper = upper;
- pdir->ccache.chars = chars;
- pdir->ccache.chars_mask = chsize - 1;
- gx_char_cache_init(pdir);
- return pdir;
- }
- /* Macro for linking an element at the head of a chain */
- #define link_first(first, elt)\
- if ( (elt->next = first) != NULL ) first->prev = elt;\
- elt->prev = 0;\
- first = elt
- /* definefont */
- /* Use this only for original (unscaled) fonts! */
- int
- gs_definefont(gs_font_dir *pdir, gs_font *pfont)
- { link_first(pdir->orig_fonts, pfont);
- pfont->dir = pdir;
- pfont->base = pfont;
- return 0;
- }
- /* scalefont */
- int
- gs_scalefont(gs_font_dir *pdir, const gs_font *pfont, floatp scale,
- gs_font **ppfont, gs_font **pdfont)
- { gs_matrix mat;
- gs_make_scaling(scale, scale, &mat);
- return gs_makefont(pdir, pfont, &mat, ppfont, pdfont);
- }
- /* makefont */
- int
- gs_makefont(gs_font_dir *pdir, const gs_font *pfont, const gs_matrix *pmat,
- gs_font **ppfont, gs_font **pdfont)
- { int code;
- gs_font *prev = 0;
- gs_font *pf_out = pdir->scaled_fonts;
- gs_matrix newmat;
- *pdfont = 0;
- gs_make_identity(&newmat); /* fill in tags */
- if ( (code = gs_matrix_multiply(&pfont->FontMatrix, pmat, &newmat)) < 0 )
- return code;
- /* Check for the font already being in the scaled font cache. */
- /* Only attempt to share fonts if the current font has */
- /* a valid UniqueID or XUID. */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['m'] )
- { if ( pfont->data.base.UID.size == 0 ) /* UniqueID */
- dprintf1("[m]UniqueID=%ld", pfont->data.base.UID.u.id);
- else
- dprintf1("[m]XUID(%d)", pfont->data.base.UID.size);
- dprintf7(", FontType=%d,\n[m] new FontMatrix=[%g %g %g %g %g %g]\n",
- pfont->FontType,
- pmat->xx, pmat->xy, pmat->yx, pmat->yy,
- pmat->tx, pmat->ty);
- }
- #endif
- if ( uid_is_valid(&pfont->data.base.UID) )
- for ( ; pf_out != 0; prev = pf_out, pf_out = pf_out->next )
- if ( uid_equal(&pf_out->data.base.UID, &pfont->data.base.UID) &&
- pf_out->base == pfont->base &&
- pf_out->FontType == pfont->FontType &&
- pf_out->FontMatrix.xx == newmat.xx &&
- pf_out->FontMatrix.xy == newmat.xy &&
- pf_out->FontMatrix.yx == newmat.yx &&
- pf_out->FontMatrix.yy == newmat.yy &&
- pf_out->FontMatrix.tx == newmat.tx &&
- pf_out->FontMatrix.ty == newmat.ty
- )
- { *ppfont = pf_out;
- if_debug1('m', "[m]found font=%lx\n", (ulong)pf_out);
- return 0;
- }
- pf_out = (gs_font *)(*pdir->mprocs->alloc)(1, sizeof(gs_font), "gs_makefont");
- if ( !pf_out ) return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
- *pf_out = *pfont;
- pf_out->FontMatrix = newmat;
- pf_out->client_data = 0;
- if ( uid_is_valid(&pfont->data.base.UID) )
- { if ( pdir->ssize == pdir->smax )
- { /* Must discard a cached scaled font. */
- /* prev points to the last (oldest) font. */
- if_debug1('m', "[m]discarding font %lx\n",
- (ulong)prev);
- *pdfont = prev;
- prev->prev->next = 0;
- }
- else
- pdir->ssize++;
- link_first(pdir->scaled_fonts, pf_out);
- }
- pf_out->dir = pdir;
- pf_out->base = pfont->base;
- *ppfont = pf_out;
- if_debug1('m', "[m]new font=%lx\n", (ulong)pf_out);
- return 1;
- }
- /* setfont */
- int
- gs_setfont(gs_state *pgs, gs_font *pfont)
- { pgs->font = pfont;
- pgs->char_tm_valid = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* currentfont */
- gs_font *
- gs_currentfont(const gs_state *pgs)
- { return pgs->font;
- }
- /* cachestatus */
- void
- gs_cachestatus(register const gs_font_dir *pdir, register uint pstat[7])
- { pstat[0] = pdir->ccache.bsize;
- pstat[1] = pdir->ccache.bmax;
- pstat[2] = pdir->fmcache.msize;
- pstat[3] = pdir->fmcache.mmax;
- pstat[4] = pdir->ccache.csize;
- pstat[5] = pdir->ccache.cmax;
- pstat[6] = pdir->ccache.upper;
- }
- /* setcachelimit */
- int
- gs_setcachelimit(gs_font_dir *pdir, uint size)
- { pdir->ccache.upper = size;
- return 0;
- }
- /* setcacheparams */
- int
- gs_setcachelower(gs_font_dir *pdir, uint size)
- { pdir->ccache.lower = size;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- gs_setcacheupper(gs_font_dir *pdir, uint size)
- { pdir->ccache.upper = size;
- return 0;
- }
- /* currentcacheparams */
- uint
- gs_currentcachelower(const gs_font_dir *pdir)
- { return pdir->ccache.lower;
- }
- uint
- gs_currentcacheupper(const gs_font_dir *pdir)
- { return pdir->ccache.upper;
- }
- /* Dummy (ineffective) BuildChar/BuildGlyph procedure */
- int
- gs_no_build_char_proc(struct gs_show_enum_s *penum, gs_state *pgs,
- gs_font *pfont, gs_char chr, gs_glyph glyph)
- { return 1; /* failure, but not error */
- }
- /* Dummy character encoding procedure */
- gs_glyph
- gs_no_encode_char_proc(struct gs_show_enum_s *penum,
- gs_font *pfont, gs_char *pchr)
- { return gs_no_glyph;
- }
- /* Purge a font from all font- and character-related tables. */
- /* This is only used by restore (and, someday, the GC). */
- void
- gs_purge_font(const gs_font *pfont)
- { gs_font_dir *pdir = pfont->dir;
- gs_font *pf;
- /* Remove the font from its list (orig_fonts or scaled_fonts). */
- gs_font *prev = pfont->prev;
- gs_font *next = pfont->next;
- if ( next != 0 )
- next->prev = prev;
- if ( prev != 0 )
- prev->next = next;
- else if ( pdir->orig_fonts == pfont )
- pdir->orig_fonts = next;
- else if ( pdir->scaled_fonts == pfont )
- pdir->scaled_fonts = next;
- else
- /* Shouldn't happen! */
- ;
- if ( pfont->base != pfont )
- { /* I.e., this is a scaled font. */
- pdir->ssize--;
- }
- /* Purge the font from the scaled font cache. */
- for ( pf = pdir->scaled_fonts; pf != 0; )
- { if ( pf->base == pfont )
- { gs_purge_font(pf);
- pf = pdir->scaled_fonts; /* start over */
- }
- else
- pf = pf->next;
- }
- /* Purge the font from the font/matrix pair cache, */
- /* including all cached characters rendered with that font. */
- gs_purge_font_from_char_caches(pdir, pfont);
- }